5 Life Skills Every Child Needs In The Real World

"Biblical parenting is about teaching our children to be independent from us and to be dependent on God."

As loving parents, we all want to prepare our children for life.

As a child takes the initial steps to independence from us to dependence on God, here are a few life skills we can set as foundations as early as 6 or 7 years old. These recommendations are not means to an end, rather guidelines or lamp posts on their path.


Lead yourself first.

Life is about faithfulness in small things. Discipline is necessary in managing time, money and resources. Basic organizational skills, cleanliness and order, doing simple chores like fixing their beds in the morning can help raise responsible children.

To be able to raise kids who value integrity of heart and life, self governance is key. It takes determination to lead oneself.

Before anyone can effectively lead others and other areas of life, leading oneself is the starting point.

Life is meant to be shared with others.

Character can grow in relationships. It’s about teaching them basic relational words such as “sorry”, “thank you” and being polite.

Relational habits of acceptance and appreciation of others can be formed. Being considerate, of those younger than them and respectful of those who are older, develops their capacity to value people of different colors, sizes, shapes and status.

Teaching them humility, kindness, generosity, loyalty and steadfastness can improve their ability to relate with others well.

As young as they are, guide them in areas of communication, providing experiences of compassion and genuine care for others.


Overcoming challenges is part of life.

Life can be uncertain, with pop quizzes, tests and obstacles. We cannot deny the reality of pain and suffering. Though there are challenges that are out of our control, we can start by helping a child make their own little, courageous decisions and choices.

We can encourage them not to give up, not to quit, but to depend on a God bigger than any circumstance.

Asking help from others is not a sign of weakness.

Challenges are opportunities where mental and emotional resilience are strengthened.

Life on earth has meaning, find it and live it.

Every child is uniquely created with a purpose bigger than oneself. Help them find meaning in God and live it out.

Help them have a heart of gratitude and appreciation of the simplest things in life, like rainbows, the sky, the stars, the oceans and every detail (sights, smell, taste and sounds) that are often overlooked in a time of screens and distractions.


Loving oneself is good for the soul.

It is not selfish to love oneself. It only means that rest, slowing down, waiting, are good for the soul. Feed the soul with healthy habits like appreciation for the arts, music, dance, sports, creativity and God’s natural creation.

To discover and express one’s skills and talents is good for the young soul.

Bottom line is, each child is unique.
Life skill goes beyond academic.
Character precedes reputation.
Practical application triumphs over head knowledge. Loving God and loving people are the backbone.

As parents, we can faithfully lay the foundations in our children, but it is God who ordains their steps and future. He is the expert parent who can never go wrong, thus we can trust Him with the life of a child.

He has plans for them, not to harm them, plans to give them hope and a future. 

Our greatest assurance, He loves each child more than we can ever love them. As a Father, He has prepared way ahead of them. 

His presence will satisfy and secure them in the school of life.

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Pastor Ray and Malou with kids Daniel and Alison. "Through the heart of a child, life, family, and selflessness come with invaluable meaning. Children inspire us to live our priceless purpose on earth as moms and dads."
Guest contributors Raymond and Malou de Guzman have two children, Daniel (21) and Allison (12) whom they both homeschooled. Son, Daniel, was just recently released to college. Passionate about ministry, nature, music and travel, they both share a love for KDramas and music, thanks to daughter, Alison. They are also founders of NextGenPublishers and co-authors of “When the World was Too Heavy to Carry” (with another title set to launch in December).  


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