Can’t Do, Can Do!

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‘I can do it.’

‘I will do it.’

‘I’ll take it on.’

This was me. In my old jobs, I had a habit of taking on every task and saying yes to new things and assignments especially the ones no one would say yes to.

For instance, when I was an English teacher at a Korean tutorial center, there was a bunch of Korean students who would’ve missed their class that night because my co-teacher wasn’t around, I was ready to sub.

When the Human Resources department needed to come up with their first ever Employee Handbook, even though I was the latest addition to the team with absolutely no HR background, I said yes to developing one for the entire company.


Showing the can-do spirit as part of the Talent Acquisition Team of Stream (now Convergys)
Worked for IBM Business Services as a Recruitment Specialist and took the challenges head on

When recruitment was ramping up and the others already had their hands full and didn’t think they could take on any more positions to fill up, I was ready for more vacancies to fill.

This was me.

I never imagined that one day I would stop being like this—from being so career-driven to being a homemaker.

As a wife and mom, I am mostly at home.

I’m faced with chores to do, meals to prep, and a baby (now, babies) to take care of 24/7; currently, homeschooling one and the other will very soon follow. This is what I find myself getting used to, waking up to and doing day in and day out.

I got buried under this whole homemaking role that I was completely lost in.

I found myself saying “no” more than I was saying “yes” (even that was given reluctantly).

No to speaking engagements.

No to part-time jobs.

No to further studies.

No to starting a business.

No to a passion project.

All of a sudden, I became Miss Can’t-Do-It. And it wasn’t like I had no support, my husband was very supportive. Our kids too.

The author with her loving husband, Owie, and two daughters, Eliana and Eleanor

So, it wasn’t family hindering me, it was me.

I had lost the confidence to get out there and to do things outside my roles of a wife and mom. I wasn’t confident I could do things excellently anymore or if I could even get myself to do something new.

It might be like that for a lot of you, moms, too.

Whether it’s moving back to the marketplace after many years of staying at home or doing business while managing the household or homeschooling; you may find yourself with no confidence to take part in anything new and insecure to move forward.

I know how you feel. I’m just grateful the Lord gave me a nudge and reminded me that I find my confidence in Him.

That we can rest our confidence on the One who calls us into seasons of our lives.

Whether it is a new role or juggling two (or more) in one season, He is the one who brings us these things. It means He will also prepare the way for us—preparing us and all that concerns us.

Personally, had He not given me the confidence, I would have missed a great business opportunity (in the midst of the pandemic at that!) that allowed me to learn the ropes of starting a small business, doing sales, and just getting me rolling onto other business plans and projects in the future.

He equips us for what He has set us to do.

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.”  Jeremiah 17:7 

And so, I leave you, fellow mommas, with the encouragement to confidently step right into whatever God calls you to do, because in and with Him, you can certainly do it! 


Father, thank You that You are the one who calls us into seasons. Thank You that You entrust to us more roles and tasks to take on. Help us trust You and draw our confidence from You in all things You have set for us to do. May we always have the faith to step into Your good, pleasing, and perfect will for us. Amen.

Guest contributor April Tolentino is a pastor’s wife, stay-at-home mom and budding entrepreneur who enjoys being with family, keeping her home tidy and watching Kdramas.


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